Proin auctor risus id ipsum molestie, id imperdiet ante suscipit. Mauris viverra posuere arcu vitae dignissim. Nam sapien augue, elementum nec leo sed, lacinia tincidunt tellus. Vivamus ac placerat tellus, gravida pharetra arcu. Sed tempus justo quis dolor vulputate, quis tempor lectus pharetra. Aenean bibendum elit eu quam sollicitudin hendrerit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec tortor augue, aliquet vel feugiat ac, pulvinar malesuada leo. Cras pretium.
60 Million Challenge
Global Community Power united to Change the World.
Baseload Solar Power Station (Roma, Queensland, Australia.)
Your copyright - 2013
Ministry & Church
Queensland has the best solar resource in the World and is therefore a perfect location for building Baseload Solar Thermal Power.  Roma is a small town located in central Queensland which has identified as the ideal building site for Baseload Solar Thermal as per the Zero Carbon Australia Stationery Energy Plan.  This plan was produced by the Pro Bono research group Beyond Zero Emissions at the Energy Institute at the University of Melbourne. 

The 60 Million Challenge will gather funds from the 6 continents to build the community funded base-load solar power plant.  The goal is to the acquire the funds by Wednesday, February 18th​​, 2015.  The fundraising strategy allows for 60 million supporters in Australia and an accompying 50 million for world-wide community.  
Australian Solar Revolution
Donations Tally